Only about 3% of Americans have gotten their first doses of coronavirus vaccines, with the highest rates in West Virginia and the Dakotas, and the lowest rates of vaccination are in Alabama and Arizona
More than half of all doses of coronavirus vaccines distributed to US states are sitting on the shelves, with the highest rates of unused shots in California and Texas - despite the former being one of the worst hotspots for COVID-19 in the country
* North Dakota has seen an 80% drop in active coronavirus cases compared to mid-November
* The state among the leaders in the US vaccine race, already administering doses to nearly 7% of its residents
* Small states with generally poor health outcomes - including North Dakota and West Virginia - have raced ahead of large, wealthy states
* California remains one of America's top hotspots with LA hospitals in crisis and it has only vaccinated about 3% of its population
* Over 31.1 million vaccine doses have been distributed to states, but more than half -54% - have gone unused
North Dakota has emerged as America's unlikely leader in the battle against COVID-19, racing ahead of most of the nation in the vaccine rollout and battling back from being the worst coronavirus hotspot in the nation with an 80 percent decline in active cases since mid-November.
Only a little over 14 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as of Monday morning, and only about 54 percent of vaccine doses distributed to states have been administered to people, according to data from Bloomberg.
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WNU Editor: If North Dakota gets the vaccine shipments that they have been promised. They will be the first state to be vaccinated. But before that happens, the experts are predicting some grim numbers .... ‘Dark weeks ahead’: Incoming CDC director expects 500,000 COVID deaths by mid-February (New York Daily News).
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