The Hill: Views split on whether war in Afghanistan was a mistake: poll
Eighteen years after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, Americans are split on the necessity of the war, with just over half saying it was not a mistake in a new poll from Gallup.
The survey found 52 percent of respondents say the U.S. invasion, initially launched in response to the Taliban’s refusal to turn over Osama bin Laden, was not a mistake, compared to 43 percent who say it was.
The split is roughly the same as the one Gallup found four years ago, when 54 percent it was not a mistake and 42 percent said it was.
Although the divide has largely stabilized in recent years, it is far more balanced than in the initial years following the invasion. In July 2004, only 25 percent opposed the war, a figure that had climbed to 43 percent by August 2010.
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WNU Editor: I recall very clearly at the time that the sentiment in the U.S. was 90+% in favour of waging war against Al Qaeda and their allies in Afghanistan after 9/11. I guess the times have changed. The Gallop poll is here .... U.S. Views Mixed on War in Afghanistan (Gallop).
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