Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 25, 2019

FILE PHOTO © Global Look Press / / Nazar Furyk

Mark Episkopos, National Interest: What If Ukraine's Army Finally Became Strong Enough to Fight Russia on Its Own?

It is possible. But what would Russia do?

Key point: Ukraine has gotten a lot of assistance from America and NATO, building it into a formidable fighting force.

Ukraine and the Russian-backed, separatist forces of Donetsk and Luhansk remain locked in a shooting war that, since 2014, has claimed around thirteen thousand Ukrainian lives and displaced over two million more.

Ukraine’s Armed Forces entered the Donbass conflict in a decrepit state; in the words of Ukrainian General Viktor Muzhenko, as “an army in ruins.” Kiev was confronted with two principal challenges: Ukraine sold or decommissioned a great swathe of its vast, but aging, Soviet military inheritance over the 1990s and 2000s; and the Ukrainian army suffered from poor training, rampant corruption, and flagging morale.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 25, 2019

Congressionally appointed panel recommends US halt Syria withdrawal -- The Hill

Congress-appointed panel rips Trump's Syria strategy -- Politico

Navy Super Hornets Hit Big 80 Percent Readiness Goal, But Sustaining It Is Another Question -- Warzone/The Drive

The Aegis Combat System on the Navy's Destroyers Is Getting Even Better -- National Interest

The Army is planning to strap more tank-killing missiles to its Stryker armored vehicles -- Business Insider/

The Army needs $32.5 million worth of 'fresh frozen cadaver limbs' as soon as possible -- Business Insider/Task & Purpose

Senate to vote on ending border emergency that diverted DoD funds -- Defense News

Army's Future Battle Plan May Include Restructuring Guard Forces --

The Space Development Agency’s plans have changed. Here are the revisions. -- Defense News

In the lucrative race for US military rocket deals, Jeff Bezos’ company argues to change the rules -- CNBC

US military veterans targeted by Iranian state hackers -- ZDNet

Fired SEAL leaders say Navy made them scapegoats amid misconduct claims -- NYPost/AP

US Troops Are Likely Headed to This Saudi Air Base --

US troops to Saudi Arabia? Stand by. -- Meghann Myers, Military Times

Japan refers U.S. military pilot to Japanese prosecutors over Osprey crash -- Japan Times/AFP

US clears attack helicopters for Thailand, plane defenses for Qatar -- Defense News

How the Pentagon Thinks About the Climate Crisis -- Rick Carp, Rolling Stone

Iceberg Dead Ahead! Deconstructing the Pentagon’s Arctic Strategies -- Lindsay L. Rodman, War On The Rocks

Why the UK Royal Navy needs the Type 31 frigate -- Naval Technology

How Will The British Military Look In A Decade? -- Kirstie Chambers, Forces Network

China says National Day military parade ‘won’t disappoint’ in scale or advanced weapons -- SCMP

A New Threat to Navy Aircraft Carriers? This Chinese Bomber Could Sink Them. -- National Interest

China Taps Its Private Sector to Boost Its Military, Raising Alarms -- Wall Street Journal

Modernizing the Military: China’s Path to Hegemony? -- Alexia Frangopoulos, Harvard Political Review

China and Russia's military tie-up deserves closer scrutiny -- Nikkei Asian Review

Under the Radar, Iran’s Cruise Missile Capabilities Advance -- War On The Rocks

Iran: 18 ballistic missiles and new warhead on long-range missiles -- Middle East Monitor

Iran's defense minister rejects any deal on missile program -- ABC News/AP

Watch Out: Ukraine's Military Is Much Better Than It Was in 2014 -- Mykola Bielieskov, The National Interest

India Boosts Its Coastal Strength Amid Rising Threat of 'Sea-Borne Terror' -- Sputnik

Military Drones Now Common to Nearly 100 Nations, Report -- Wall Street Journal

Military Service in the Era of Eternal War -- Danny Sjursen, The Nation

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