Why Did The U.S. Carpet-Bomb This Iraqi Island?

Daily Beast: Why Did America Drop 40 Tons of Bombs on This Iraqi Island?

Can you defeat low-tech guerrillas and terrorists with super-sophisticated smart bombs? The record shows that’s often a dumb idea.

In a dramatic and destructive demonstration earlier this week, a formation of U.S. Air Force warplanes dropped 40 tons of bombs on an island in the Tigris River north of Baghdad.

Islamic State militants have been using Qanus Island in Salah ad Din province as a staging area, according to the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq and Syria.

Army Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a spokesman for the Pentagon’s Operation Inherent Resolve, described the island in a tweet as “Daesh-infested,” using an Arabic term for ISIS.

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WNU Editor: I viewed the strike more a PR effort than a real combat operation.

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