Does It Matter To The Markets Who Wins The U.S. Presidential Election?

Zero Hedge: Does It Matter To Markets Who Wins The Election? 

Market Catches Trump’s COVID Infection Everything was working according to plan this week, until Friday morning. As news hit that President Trump and the First Lady contracted COVID-19, so did the market at the open with Dow down roughly 450 points. 

Does It Matter Who Wins The Election? I got a lot of emails following our previous discussion on market performance during Presidential election years. The basic premise of these emails was:

 “Yes, but if Biden wins the election, the market will crash.” 

I understand. But let’s remember that in 2016, the media claimed that if Trump won the Presidential election, the market would crash. 

It didn’t. 

Yes, Biden’s proposed tax changes, green energy plans, and Government takeover of “healthcare” would indeed be bad for the markets. Such policies would weaken corporate profitability, specific sectors (energy and healthcare) would come under stress, and the surge in debt will make the Fed’s programs less effective. 

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WNU Editor: In normal times a US Presidential election's impact on the markets takes a while to be felt (Trump was an exception), and in most cases there is a bump upwards. But are we in normal times? Is Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden a captive of the radical wing within his own party who want to significantly transform the US economy in a way that has never been seen before? And will he enact their proposals if elected? I do not know. And it does not help that the former Vice-President has been terribly vague since the debate on where he stands .... Biden Spent Week Refusing to Take Positions, Losing Train of Thought (Washington Free Beacon).

Update: A Biden victory could weigh on stock market's winners (Reuters).

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