Gigapixel X-Ray Camera paper "Billion-pixel X-ray camera (BiPC-X)" by Zhehui Wang, Kaitlin Anagnost, Cris W. Barnes, D. M. Dattelbaum, Eric R. Fossum, Eldred Lee, Jifeng Liu, J. J. Ma, W. Z. Meijer, Wanyi Nie, C. M. Sweeney, Audrey C. Therrien, Hsinhan Tsai, and Xin Que from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dartmouth College, Gigajot, and Universit´e de Sherbrooke presents a 21MP tiled prototype:

"The continuing improvement in quantum efficiency (above 90% for single visible photons), reduction in noise (below 1 electron per pixel), and shrink in pixel pitch (less than 1 micron) motivate billion-pixel X-ray cameras (BiPC-X) based on commercial CMOS imaging sensors. We describe BiPC-X designs and prototype construction based on flexible tiling of commercial CMOS imaging sensors with millions of pixels. Device models are given for direct detection of low energy X-rays (< 10 keV) and indirect detection of higher energies using scintillators. Modified Birks's law is proposed for light-yield nonproportionality in scintillators as a function of X-ray energy. Single X-ray sensitivity and spatial resolution have been validated experimentally using laboratory X-ray source and the Argonne Advanced Photon Source. Possible applications include wide field-of-view (FOV) or large X-ray aperture measurements in high-temperature plasmas, the state-of-the-art synchrotron, X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL), and pulsed power facilities."

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