Quote Of The Day "The DC Police, Washington Establishment, And The Media Didn't See This Coming"

Supporters of President Trump cover their faces from tear gas during a clash with police officers in front of the Capitol Building, January 6. REUTERS/Leah Millis 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Wednesday’s breach of the U.S. Capitol has raised questions about how protesters were able to get inside Congressional offices and chambers. 

 They’re scenes few thought they’d see play out inside the U.S. Capitol, and it was easy for anyone who watched the chaos at home to second guess security measures and efforts. 

 “Under those situations where it’s middle of the battle, it’s very difficult and few people understand that,” retired KCPD Maj. John Hamilton said. 

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WNU Editor: A friend sent me this quote this morning ....

....  "the Capitol Hill police didn't see this coming" lol, neither did the Establishment or the Left! 

He also said the following .... 

... Have certain people taken correct notice of yesterday, don't know yet. It still seems to be a case of " learned nothing and forgotten nothing". 

And he is right. 

My response was the following .... 

 .... Today's Washington DC reminds me of Moscow in the late 1980s. 
 People are hurting. 
 Not being able to earn a decent living. 
And the response of Congress is .... here is a few hundred bucks and shut-up. 
And then send in the police to beat everyone up when the people who make the country work show up to protest and vent their frustrations.

Just like Moscow before the break-up of the Soviet Union. 

The US government and its leaders are clueless living in their little bubble. 
I also include the main stream media in this mix. 
The people who protested yesterday are not Antifa/BLM types where rioting and causing widespread damage and looting are the priority. 
Yesterday's protesters were like the unarmed Air Force veteran who was killed in the Congressional building by a law enforcement officer. People who have genuine concerns on what is happening to the country.

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